Core Values

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“From this place of authenticity we are able to recognize and take care of our deepest needs.”

Every human being is unique, as is your path to a happy and fulfilling life. What is absolutely fundamental is that you honour what is true for you and this may be very different from what society or others may be telling you.

Within you is a hierarchy of Unconscious Values representing your Core truth, your unique essence. These values define who you are and they embody what is most important to you. Once your Core Values are brought into consciousness, you will understand your deepest needs and you can use this knowledge to dramatically improve your life.

You will no longer have to guess what is right for you. You will know.


  • No more guessing what is right for you
  • Identify your deepest needs
  • Understand what will fulfill you
  • Feel your unique essence
  • Uncover limiting beliefs

When you make decisions or pursue a goal that is contrary to your value system you will struggle and eventually fail. This may take days, weeks or years, but it is inevitable. Living a life guided by external dictates and social conditioning rather than your Core Values leads to feelings of emptiness and disillusionment. When work and relationships seem unfulfilling and you feel powerless to change things you don’t like, compulsive behaviour and addictions can take hold. You become at risk for illness, depression and “seeming” accidents.

Your life’s purpose is linked to your Core Values. When you honour your highest values, your purpose becomes clear, since you are expressing who you truly are at your deepest level. When you are aligned with your purpose your life becomes more fulfilling. You are able to achieve your goals more quickly and easily as you are more focused and your intentions are clear.

“Knowledge of the self is the mother of all knowledge. So it is incumbent on me to know my self, to know it completely, to know its minutiae, its characteristics, its subtleties, and its very atoms.” ~ Khalil Gibran

Book Your Session

To elicit your Core Values, a simple technique is used to bypass the thinking mind and communicate directly with the unconscious mind. This is usually accomplished in one consultation of 1.5 – 2 hours. You will leave with a printed copy of your hierarchy of Core Values, together with an understanding on how to apply them to your life.

Call 403-609-1148 or click here to book your appointment.

RATE: $195